

Ten Raised Hands against Blue Skies

Innovación to tackle Inequality and Enhance Inclusive Employment Opportunities

Highly Effective Initiatives,

Well-Equipped Organizations,

Ecosystems Achieving Collective Impact.

At Innquanta, we partner with dedicated organizations to provide pathways of progress through educational journeys towards employment, utilizing innovation as a driving force for change.

Our aim is to create a more inclusive world where individuals, regardless of their gender, ethnic identity, migration status, or disability, can access opportunities equitably, especially those in vulnerable situations.

We believe that education is the key to unlocking individual potential, enabling access to opportunities that align with aspirations and enhance quality of life, all while aiming to reduce inequity.

Discover how we can collaborate to turn this vision into reality.

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Friendly Retail Worker

International Cooperation and NGOs

We are technical allies, enhancing your designs, implementations, and outcome analyses

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We support the formulation of guidelines and the implementation of policies

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Asian Woman Truck Driver Sitting in Truck Cabin Looking at Camera.


We co-create improved corporate policies, impact assessments, and accountability measures in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI-B).

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Man in the Workshop

Workplace Inclusion Programs

We design more effective initiatives and enhance those already in execution.

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Technology Students Group

Bridging Human Capital Gaps

We advocate for innovative, systemic, and evidence-based strategies to bridge gaps.

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Out-of-class Latino college students

Educational Pathways

We integrate top innovations to facilitate the transition from secondary education to post-secondary education and employment

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Smiling worker attending a hardware store.

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